Office Supplies

Individual LSE alumnae and alumni enjoy a permanent rebate of 20% on all office supplies and small-and-medium-sized businesses associated with LSE alumnae and alumni will be offered equally attractive terms.

Founded in 1953, Ofrex offers procurement solutions for products that are needed in and around the office, supplying companies, institutions and government authorities in Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

Membership of the Association is not required but desired.

Your benefits & services: Office Supplies

Copyright © 1998-2023 Swiss LSE Alumni Association. All rights reserved. Disclaimer and Impressum: The Swiss LSE Alumni Association acts only on its own behalf, is in no way authorized, maintained, sponsored, endorsed, or otherwise representative of the London School of Economics and Political Science or the University of London. It is an independent and autonomous national membership association incorporated under Swiss federal law. Its postal address is: The Swiss LSE Alumni Association, CH-3000 Berne. It is represented by its Officers as they are listed in the respective section of this Web site.